Friday, February 10, 2012

Movie reflection

The movie we have been watching in class this week has been very interesting. Michael Moore shows his audience (viewers) that capitalism in America is destroying everybody. People are being kicked out of their homes because of foreclosures, and men and women are being laid off from their jobs. Bankruptcy is happening to many companies and there are even companies who make their workers sign policies called dead peasant policies, only to make people more financially unstable. Michael Moore explains how we need to remake America, and thinks that we should have followed FDR’s second bill of rights plan to have a better economy.  Based off the movie America is said to be a plutonomy now. I feel like the economy in America is very bad. Somebody needs to stand up and speak up about things that many people don’t know what going on behind “closed doors”, and I feel like Michael Moore does a good job doing that. I agree that America probably should have followed through FDR’s plans and it would have made America significantly better. Capitalism is not the way to go, and that’s clear just by looking at how America is now.  It’s not right that people are being forced out of work and then forced out their homes because companies can’t pay them the amount of money there supposed to earn. Change needs to come fast.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you, even though there a re quite a few things that Moore says that I don't agree with, he still puts forth effort to find answers to his questions and the questions of America. It's better to try and fail and get shut out than to just sit back and complain.
