Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Identity Collage for ENGL 1102

How does the collage represent my identity?
The collage I made represents my identity in a number of ways. The pictures I picked to be apart of this, all have something to do with whats in my life and what I like. Starting off with the green crayon, my favorite color is green. Its randomly been my favorite color since I was a little kid and so I've just stuck with it. Anyone who knows me well knows to buy me gifts with anything green in it i.e money :). Next is the picture of the biology book. Biology is my major and my favorite subject in school. I have always loved studying life and humans. Considering this is something I plan on making my everyday life career one day, biology does represent my identity. Another really important picture on my collage is the picture of the family. My family is really important to me and has the most important impact on my life. They are my everything so they are people in my life that represent my identity. The Holy Bible picture is very important because, I am a chrisitan and the bible is what guides christians. That picture reperents that I believe in God. Another important picture would be that 2010 Hyundia Sonata. I got that car 2 christmases ago and I absolutely love it, just like the picture of the motorolla droid x, those are my "babies" and I feel like they are things that I could live without but would absolutely hate it so they represent my identity. The picture of me and my boyfriend represent my identity because were like two peas in a pod. Whenever you see me you see him and vice versa. He's very important in my life and my love :). The next picture is a picture of me and some of my bestfriends (including my sister in the green jacket). They represent my identity a lot because they have been in my life for what seems like foreverrrrrr. We all have a big impact on each others lives and  love each other dearly. I could go on and on about all the pictures on my collage but to sum it all up, all of the pictures that make up my collage represent my identity because they all make up my life and they things in my life that I love.

What are the links between images and identity in our society? (What types of images do I identify with?)

I believe I identify with images that deal with glittery, girly things such as red tall heels, make-up, flashy earrings, and bright colors. I think I’m more of a city girl so I like big lights, dressed up clothes, tall buildings, and nice cars. I think the links between images and identity in our society deal with what a person wants to be perceived as.  Being accepted in the society is big for people so I think my identity sets me in a category to be accepted as “girly” and “successful”. The links tie up to what people want to be seen as and viewed as a person.

Friday, February 24, 2012

2/24/12 blog

For the proposition America 24/7 captures the essence of American character and communities, then I believe there will be pictures posted of theAmerican Flag. This is a big essence of American character and communities so I wouldnt be surprised to see one in the exhibit. Also I expect to see pictures of mountains and beaches, highways, and country dirt roads because, they are all associated with america. A picture of the many people and races in America captures the essence of American character so I believe that should be up there as well. Other pictures that I think capture the essence are the bald eagle, the Ford car, presidents, a democrat and republican sign, homeless people, and maybe a picture of the wildlife that live in America.
 After viewing the photos, I think the claim does find support from the selections of photos I encountered for the most part. There was a photo of the American flag, a bald eagle, beaches and mountains, dirt roads, some wild life and many many more photos of pictures that capture the essence of American character and communities. Going through all the pages of photos every photo looked like reality and something you would associate with America.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

2/18 weekly blog

This week i'm trying to focus on finding a really good NPO that helps children from child abuse. I've looked up a few on google but i havent decided which one will be best for my project yet. If anybody knows any great NPO's that I could use, I would appreciate that very much. Also this week, doing the rhetorical anaylsis and stategies on the movie we watchd in class was very helpful. It helped me understand how to rhetorically think even farther than before.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Movie reflection

The movie we have been watching in class this week has been very interesting. Michael Moore shows his audience (viewers) that capitalism in America is destroying everybody. People are being kicked out of their homes because of foreclosures, and men and women are being laid off from their jobs. Bankruptcy is happening to many companies and there are even companies who make their workers sign policies called dead peasant policies, only to make people more financially unstable. Michael Moore explains how we need to remake America, and thinks that we should have followed FDR’s second bill of rights plan to have a better economy.  Based off the movie America is said to be a plutonomy now. I feel like the economy in America is very bad. Somebody needs to stand up and speak up about things that many people don’t know what going on behind “closed doors”, and I feel like Michael Moore does a good job doing that. I agree that America probably should have followed through FDR’s plans and it would have made America significantly better. Capitalism is not the way to go, and that’s clear just by looking at how America is now.  It’s not right that people are being forced out of work and then forced out their homes because companies can’t pay them the amount of money there supposed to earn. Change needs to come fast.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

2/10 weekly blog

This week for english class I focused on completing the research proposal paper that was due Wednesday. It helped me realize a lot about my project that I didnt know I needed to do in order to complete the entire project. The hardest part was thinking about how I was going to get all my sources and how relivant would the sources I'm going to use be. I don't just want to rely on information from the internet so I had to figure out what other sources would help me understand more about child abuse in Charlotte. The easiest part of the assignment was writing out my "game plan" on how i'm goin to complete the entire project. I feel like this project will go by smoothly if I just complete tasks ahead of time to make sure everything is correctly done and turned in on time. I found some great websites that explained some stories of kids and adults who have been affected by child abuse so I think i'm headed in the right direction so far.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


This week I learned about some good ways to locate research sources, that will be helpful when I start looking up information for my inquiry project. Wikipedia isn't that reliable of a source because, anybody can put right or wrong information up there, but it can be used to look up some information. GoogleScholar and GoggleBooks are two good sources to use. This week I also learned how to evaluate websites. When evaluating websites, I should keep these questions in mind: Who is the author? Is it institutionally affliated? What authority does it have? Who is the audience? What is the purpose? What is the rhetorical stance? Does it deal with both sides of an issue or only one? Does it offer links to other sites? How timely is the page? Does it sight original sources of information? Is it easy to navigate? I think with the information I learned this week, my inquiry project will have very good sources and i'll know which ones I should stay away from.