Friday, January 20, 2012


This week og English 1002 I have learned a lot of new things. The first new thing I learned about was what rhetoric meant and how to understand text rhetorically. Rhetoric is just a term that can be simply defined as persuasion. I learned that approaching text rhetorically means to ask questions about how the text conveys a persuassive message or argument, how the text addresses a specific audience, and how the writer operates within a specific context or rhetorical situation. The rhetorical triangle was a good way of simplifying how you can understand rhetoric. The triangle is bascially a relationship between the writer, text, and audience. I found this triangle to be very benefical when learning about rhetoric. I have never used this style of analyzing in any class, so this is very new to me. So far I enjoy it a lot and it's very easy to understand. Im ready to tackle poseters, magazines, signs, cartoons, commericals, etc. thinking rhetorically now.

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