Tuesday, January 17, 2012

As a reader, I believe I am really good at it. Not only at reading the words, but also at comprehending what's being read. I usually read assigned reading from teacher's. Every once in a while i'll pick up a book or magazine that cathches my eye and read it also. I read during the week, normally when all my classes are over with for that day. During that time is when I focus on what im reading best. I read at a pretty fast pace, but if I miss something or get lost, I always back track to the point that confused me, and re-read it at a slower pace until I understand what i just read. I honestly only read when I have too, except for the few occassions when I spot a book or magazine that looks interesting. I believe I'm good at it, but it is'nt my forte, and it's not something I like to do during my free time.
As a writer, I feel as if i'm good at that too, but there is always room for improvement. When writing I usually write paper assigned by teachers. I'm not a big fan on writing poems or in a diary, so most of my writings are done because of paper assignments. I normally write properly and formal when writing papers, and try to use new words to increase my diction. I usually write because, as stated before, it's something I have to do. It's needed in this society and to pass classes.

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