Saturday, April 14, 2012

weekly post

For this week i'm really focusing on completeing my portfolio. It seems like a lot of work when you first read through the required material but it's actually a lot of work that has already been completed. I'm glad that I have been following along and doing the work along the way so I dont have a lot of work to catch up on. Also this week I submitted the rough draft of my persuassive paper. I think I did a nice job overall but I still feel like I can use some extra help from Dr.minslow to make my conclusion a lot stronger than it is now. Doing this project has taught me so much about abused children and has changed my outlook on it greatly. Coming to the end of finishing the project really makes me want to continue helping and try to find as many solutions as I can to help reduce the number of children being abused. Also I want to continue trying to find ways to make the foster care system a better system. I will definitely be writing a letter to a relevant government official to explain how I feel like a lot of foster care systems can be changed for the better and how i think the number of abused children in not only charlotte but all around North Carolina can be reduced.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

weekly post

Over good friday I had plenty of time to think about how I wanted to actually start off my persuassive paper. I had a lot of good flowing ideas from my mom. I decided to make my paper about the foster care system and how corrupt it is. Since I have been focusing on child abuse for my major inquiry project, writing about foster care kind of ties into it because many children who are abused end up under the governments care into the foster care system. I feel like many kids who go under this system hate it because it pulls them away from there home into a place they may not like. A lot of the government officials under this  system are very nonchalant about caring for the children who are taken away and I feel as if I could persuade my audience to look at the system as being corrupt as well and take action the way i imply it. Overall I think it will be easy to pull my audience on my side with facts and statistics. Also a story or two of an actual foster child could affect my readers emotions to make them feel pathetic for the child, making them vulnerable to easily be persuaded. I feel like after i get some help on my rough draft with dr. minslow my final paper will be extremely great.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

week 4/1

So far everything has been running smoothly with completing my major inquiry project. I think that the pieces of rhetoric that everybody presented were really good, and will definitely persuade all of our audience members to look at the point of view our way. My pieces of rhetoric ended up being a poster, a flyer, a brochure, and dream catcher key chains. I think the way I set everything up will be very persuasive. My main goal was too effect my audience's pathos and I tried to do that by adding a lot of photos of abused children. I also want to effect their logos, and I did this by adding statistics in the brochure. I feel like in the end many people will try to be more aware of child abuse and most importantly the signs children show who are being abused. Also I feel like a lot of my audience members will donate their money to the NPO, DreamCatchers For Abused Children. I'm excited about this part of the project because it actually deals with me being involved; hands on activities. The next class, outlines are due and I hope I get better ideas and advice about how I'm starting off my paper so far.