Thursday, March 29, 2012


This week I planned my pieces of rhetoric that will be used to persuade my audience to become more aware of child abuse and to donate their money to the NPO dreamcatchers for abused children. My plans were to just create a poster and flyers but with great ideas from some of my classmates, ive decided to make dream catcher key chains to hand out to people to remind them of the NPO I picked, and possibly persuade them to donate money there. I think that my pieces of rhetoric will be very persuassive and attack people's pathos, making them feel bad for the kids who go through child abuse with pictures posted on the poster and flyers, ultimately breaking them down to the point where they will do whatever they can to help and learn about child abuse . I was thinking about making a bumpersticker as well but I have to do more thinking about that. My main focus is to persuade my audience to be aware of child abuse and to learn the signs of it so they can help kids who don't speak up about it. My 5-6 paper will be on a different subject, explaining how foster care systems are broken and how they can be fixed. I feel like in the end everything will come together smoothly. I'm glad this project is allowing me to actually do something to help this big issue instead of just talk about it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

3/16 Weekly blog

This week I learned about more information concerning rhetoric for my project! I had a lot of help picking good ideas to persuade my audience to be more aware of my NPO and fighting against child abuse. I decided that instead of just making people aware of child abuse and trying to fight against it, I want people to also donate money to the NPO called Dream Catchers for Abused Children that I selected. I made this choice because I feel like its something very important to acknowlege and many people dont really tend to pay a lot of attention to things like this simply because their either not aware of it or because it hasnt happened to them or any one they love or care about. I plan on attacking peoples senstive sides and making them feel really sympathetic to children who die or get injured badly because of child abuse. We already know just seeing pictures of cute newborn babies already effects our emotions so I can only imagine the response I will get from my audience when they see baby's/ children with bruises and broken body parts because of child abuse. I have learned just by looking at pictures from my NPO website that it really makes you want to be more aware and help these poor kids that cant really help theirselves. It has definitely changed my future thinking, because before starting this project I didnt really pay much attention to this big issue and I realize there are many people who are in the same situation. I now want to help kids who have a problem admitting they are being abused at home and help them get the help they need. I plan on making dream catchers the size for key chains to make people aware of the NPO and child abuse and I aslo plan on making flyers and posters to explain more information for kids and adults.